Whizz Courier Services

Your Bridge to the World

Get reliable shipping and services straight to your door at competitive rates. Sign up for your free mailbox now!

Shipping & Delivery Made Simple!

Our mission is to provide a service that is reliable, easy to understand with a straight forward fee structure. We believe that our clients are best served when they know exactly what they are paying for at every step of the way.

Straightforward Rates

Account Icon
At & Under 6 Pounds

Weight (lbs)Price
  • + Custom Duties*
  • + Free Delivery

Account Icon
Over 6 pounds

Weight (lbs)Price
12lbs +Rates
  • + Custom Duties*
  • + Free Delivery

*Custom Duties will vary based on item and cost. Items priced below $50USD will not attract custom duties. Customers located outside of Kingston may arrange for pick up or delivery via Knutsford Express. Most orders will take 3-5 days to be delivered once they arrive at customer's virtual address.

5% off for All Civil Servants!

*Discount applies to total weight cost not custom duties.

No credit card? No problem!

We can facilitate your online purchases for items at or below $100 at no additional cost to you!

Happy Lady

Sign Up With Whizz!

Registering for your own personal mail box is simple. Sign up with your your TRN, telephone, name, email address and you will receive access to your online account and your virtual mailbox for fast and easy delivery for all your online purchases. Shop at your favourite stores including Amazon, Ebay, Macy's, Forever 21, Walmart & More!